-13- the six-million-acre area between the Rappahannock and the Potomac rivers. In 1675 Culpeper was promised the governorship and made feudal lord of Virginia. As the joyous Berkeley returned to his post on the James River, Charles Calvert, eldest son of the second Lord Baltimore and Governor of Maryland, was already trying to cure the persistent democracy of the Maryland palitinate. Thus the democratic settlements from the Hudson to the St. Johns rivers were to be feudalized and fitted into the marvellous structure which Clarendon and his fellows had organized. But the Navigation Act policy had reduced the price of tobacco from two-pence to a half-penny the pound. This half-penny tobacco was matched by a similar decline in the price of sugar all over the West Indies, where twenty years of free trade had given all the mainland colonists high-priced markets for their minor products, including meats, lumber and barrel staves. The Restoration, the repudiated debts of the Cromwell regime and the drastic commercial controls produced a terrible depression in |