- 12 - and being unopposed, materially meant the end of French hegemony in Central Europe, and the consequent loss to French prestige, therefore, is obvious. Second, the practical success of Nazi policy in this case convinced the dubious elements of the army headed by General von Fritsch, which had hitherto evidenced reserve, of the national efficacy of the party and thus brought about the desired unity of these two factors. Stress and the famous British questionnaire, as well as all other attempts thereafter to influence Germany, were, in effect, calmly and successfully disregarded by Hitler in the determined pursuit of his objectives. 1 (d). The obvious instruments of power, the army and navy, together with the para-military organizations, are thus seen to have been developed. The next step of obtaining sufficient foodstuff and material bases is being advanced in the country by the socalled foodstuffs battle and the Four-Year Plan.* Their effect on foreign policy has thus far been manifested in a striving for control in the Danubian basin- the agreement with Austria the "gateway" to that area, the parallelism with Italy, the rapprochement with Hungary and Yugoslavia. Germany's key state * Embassy despatch No. 3106, of October 21, 1936, and No, 3088, of October 8, 1936. |