-4- l8.We demand ruthless war against those who by their activity injure general interests. Public enemies, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be condemned to death, without consideration of confession and race. 19.We demand a substitute far Roman law, which serves the materialistic philosophy of life, in the shape of a German common law. 20.In order to make it possible for every capable and industrious German to attain a higher education and thus to enter into leading positions, the state must provide for a thorough development of our entire popular educational system. The cirriculum of all educational insitutions must be adapted to the requirements of practical life. Understanding of the idea of state must be achieved by the school as soon as (the age of) reasoning begins (science of citizenship). We demand schooling for mentally particularly endowed children of poor parents at the cost of the state, regardless of the station or profession of their parents. 21.The state must provide for improving the public health by protecting mothers and children, by prohibiting child labor, by bringing about physical vigor by means of a legal obligation to engage in gymnastics and sports, by supporting to the utmost all societies for physical training of young people. 22.We demand the abolition of the mercenary troops and the formation of a popular army. 23. We demand lawful opposition to the willful political lie and its dissemination by the press. In |