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 (3) Occupation of the Rhine zone on March 7, 1936, cut off France from her eastern allies and internally brought a unity of view to the Nazi party and the German army.
 (4) In seeking to promote more friendly relations in central and southeastern Europe the agreement with Austria of July 11, 1936, opened up a "gateway".
 (5) The League has been an obstacle to Germany's gaining power and any weakening of the League was to Germany's advantage. The fiasco of sanctions against Italy in the Ethiopian conflict was a combination of a long series of such developments.
 (6) The Jews and Bolshevism (Communisn) have been
selected in advance as perennial scapegoats for ridicule
to maintain internal political enthusiasm. This maneuver
has proven increasingly useful to the Nazis.
 (7) The anti-Bolshevist campaign which reached its height at Nuremberg in September, 1936, was aimed at Soviet entry into European politics via the much-opposed Franco-Soviet pact and prepared the way for international friendships (Bloc Politique).
 (8) The German attack on French policy took the form of objection to a five-power conference unless the Franco-Soviet pact was interpreted and unless Russian influence was absent from the conference.
(9) The
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