June 10, 1938 My dear Hugh: The question raised in your letter to me of May 12 is an important one. If the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg can be properly regarded as merely a political party meeting, such as the Democratic or Republican National Conventions in the United States, it seems quite clear that you should not attend the meeting. However, the State Department tells me that last September the formal invitation to the diplomatic corps in Berlin to attend the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg was issued by the Chancellor of the German Reich and was transmitted through the German Foreign Office, and that, with the exception of four chiefs of mission (of whom only two failed to attend because of political con- siderations), all of the chiefs of mission were present. I am further informed that for internal purposes the Nazi Party and the State in Germany are one by-virtue of the law of December 1, 1933, which provides that "the National-Socialist Labor Party has become the organ of the State policy and is indissolubly united with the State.". In view of these facts, it would seem to be deftnitely established that the Nazi Party Congress is an official Government celebration. If you coincide in this interpretation and if you are officially invited, I think you should attend. I think you are doing very well In very difficult times. Believe me Yours very sincerly, |