June 7, 1938. My dear Mr.President: With reference to your memorandum of June 3 with which you sent me a letter you had received from Hugh Wilson under date of May 12, the Secretary and I are entirely in accord with the views expressed in your memorandum. You say in the first paragraph of your memorandum, "The first question for determination is this: Is the Nuremberg Party Rally an official government celebra- tion or a Party Convention? If the answer is that it is the first, our Ambassador can and should attend," In determining the question whether the Nuremberg Party Rally is an official government celebration, the following facts appear to be established. Last Septem- ber the formal invitation to the Diplomatic Corps in Berlin to attend the Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg was issued by the Chancellor of the German Reich and transmitted through the German Foreign Office. As a matter of interest in this connection, the conference |