The organization is divided functionally into the following offices, each representing a particu- lar form of activity: (1) Office for Travel, Hiking, and Vacation. (2) Office for "Beauty of Work." (3) Sport Office (4) Office for Leisure Time. (5) Office for Popular Education. Travel and Vacations The Office for Travel, Hiking and Vacations arranges trips and excursions for workers, at between one-fourth and one-fifth of the normal price. The classes of journeys offered and the way in which Strength through Joy deals with the railways, hotel keepers, and private enterprises is discussed in detail in the report. All German workers have the right by law to annual paid vacations and it is estimated that in 1937 Strength through Joy trips attracted over lO,000,000 participants, the shorter trips being particularly well patronized. Strength through Joy owns five ocean-going ships (including two luxurious vessels built to its specifications), charters six more, and possesses as well a vast bulk of other facilities in its own busses, vacation villas and a giant sea bath for 20,000 workers |