Officials, National Socialist Teachers League, National Socialist Lawyers League, Reich Doctors League, Reich Association of German Dentists, Reich Association of German Druggists, etc. Up until now the Reich Culture Chamber, with its seven subordinate chambers of music, plastic art, the theater, authors, the press, radio broadcasting and the film, has not been affiliated with the Labor Front but its' individual members are entitled to participate in Strength through Joy upon individual application and against payment of a small surcharge amounting to about 30 pfennigs for each ticket. The same arrangement also applies to farm workers who are comprised in the Reichnahrstand, or Reich Agricultural Estate, The Labor Service and the armed forces were at one. time associated with Strength through Joy but more recently the authorities of these bodies have decided the make their own arrangements for the recreation of the youths in their charge. As a general rule young people up to the age of 18 are not permitted to take part in Strength through Joy excursions inasmuch as the State youth organizations to which they belong have their own system of sunder camps and hiking tours Theoretically, all members of the Labor Front, together with the affiliated groups named above,which in sum total would include every "Aryan" German man and woman engaged in a trade or profession, are entitled to participate in the activities of Strength Through Joy. Whether or not the member, be he eraployer or worker, decides to take advantage of this |