visitors at a time, which it is hoped will provide sufficient accommodation for every German working man and woman who wishes to take a seaside vacation. For its ocean voyages Strength through Joy utilizes a fleet of ll steamers, 6 of which are chartered and 5 of which it owns outright. With the exception of the WILHELM GUSTLOFF, the specially built Strength through Joy ship of some 22,000 tons burden, put into commission this last spring, the others are liners of the smaller type between 10,000 and 15,000 tons, converted by the addition of numerous bunks. An inspection has been made of both the new WILHELM GUSTL0FF and the MONTE SARMIENTO, a converted ship chartered from the Hamburg-South American Line. The latter, although, scrupulously clean, seemed very overcrowded, as many as 16 passengers being placed in some of the larger cabins. The WILHELM GUSTLOFF on the other hand is a remarkable ship indeed, as may be seen from some of the press photographs enclosed. Designed to hold about 1,400 passengers, it has 278 double cabins, and 241 cabins for four people. In addition there are 2 dormitories, each accommodating respectively 30 boys and girls of the State Youth organization who are occasionally taken along on the trips. The cabins not only have outside port holes but forced draft ventilation as well. The bunks seemed comfortable and there appeared to be plenty of wardrobe and locker room. With its |