but nobody seemed to mind particularly, but walked about to chat with other groups or to take pictures during the long trip dowm the harbor. A band played almost continuously during the voyage. On many excursions of this kind meals are included in the price of the ticket but on this particular trip it would have been quite impossible to crowd everybody into the dining-room. Certain "socially- minded" employers, however, had apparently decided to make a gift of their meals on the boat to parties of their employees, and by pre-arrangement with the Strength through Joy organization, these employees were provided with slips which they presented to obtain a simple one-course repast. The great majority of the travelers on the other hand had brought satchels loaded with sandwiches and cheese which they disposed of at odd intervals all day long. A stop of only three hours on the island of Helgoland was provided for. This may have been arranged with purposeful forethought inasmuch as, as is well known, Helgoland, with a view to encouraging tourist traffic from which the inhabitants live principally, has been made a customs free port where foreign supplies may be obtained and enjoyed at extremely low prices. Hence three hours appeared to be sufficient time for the Strength through Joy travelers to indulge in, each according to his tastes, the perhaps mutually incompatible pastimes of imbibing strong liquors or of walking about the small, strongly fortified island. Upon departing everybody was made |