will then go to a higher district authority of the Labor Front who in turn may investigate the circum- stances and perhaps recommend that Party pressure be exercised against a recalcitrant plant owner. It would appear that after five years acquaintance with National Socialism most plant owners are aware of this contingency and therefore willingly anticipate possible demands in this direction. A socialistic aspect is moreover imparted to some of the schemes, as for instance the building of a swimming pool or sport field jointly by the employers and the workers, the plant furnishing the material and the every-day workers, together with their superiors, providing the labor. Another way in which Beauty of Work is promoted is by the annual competition for the title of "model factoy" which was started two years ago. The designation is bestowed for the best aggregate showing for meritorious achievement inter alia in the following lines: (1) furtherance of a workers' settlement program; (2) cooperation with Strength through Joy in encouraging and enabling workers to take vacation trips; (3) training of apprentices; and (4) improvement of working conditions. The contest is first carried out regionally and from the long list of those which survive this stage a final selection is made of those which will be named "model factories." The honor is bestowed each May 1 and the plant may keep the title from year to |