THE STRENGTH THROUHG JOY CAR The vast size and ramifications of the Labor Front which have constantly come into view in the course of this report are perhaps most notably demonstrated by the entry of the Labor Front into the field of automobile manufacture for the production of the famous "people's car" which has been talked of for several years and which now, by order of Chancelor Hitler, is to be called the "Strength through Joy Car." While the question of this car perhaps lies more properly within the field of discussion of automotive experts, it nevertheless must be treated briefly as one aspect of the activities of Strength through Joy. "The Company for the Promotion of the People's Car" was founded early in 1937, with a capital of RM 50,000,000 drawn from the general funds of the Labor Front. This company is a more or less independent body and its present connection with the Strength through Joy organization is asserted chiefly through the direction of the company by Dr. Lafferentz, who is at the same time head of Strength through Joy. The marketing of the car is to be undertaken by the offices of the Labor Front and of Strength through Joy. |