FINAL EVALUATION The above account is primarily a factual survey based upon what the writer has been told by official informants, upon what he has seen of Strength through Joy in practice, and to a lesser degree upon what he has read (mostly Gau programs and earlier speeches by Dr. Ley, there being little other printed material of value). The Writer believes that this account presents a fairly accurate picture of Strength through Joy activities in the large, although he is not satisfied concerning certain statistics and figures, particularly those relating to the finances of Strength through Joy in which certain discrepancies have been noted in statements made. However, as no other sources than the purely official were available, there remained no alternative but to select that information which seemed to be the most plausible and reliable. While incidental comment has been interpolated in the preceding account, no attempt has been made to draw the picture together in even its smaller outlines before the completion of the survey. In view of the extended range of Strength through Joy, Judgment upon it must necessarily be of a composite nature and it is therefore believed that a comprehensive estimate of the achievements of the organi- |