With respect to the clientele of Strength through Joy, the German lower and middle classes are disciplined, exceedingly gregarious and usually blissfully content with the very little that they possess or that is offered them. Never having had anything like Strength through Joy excursions before, and lacking the means to tour the country by automobile, they have developed a new delight in travel and are willing to put up with many discomforts on their journeys, An additional stimulus to travel is of course the ideal nature of Germany as a tourist country in that variegated and beautiful scenic districts lie within comparatively easy reach of each other and of the big cities and manufacturing-centers. Despite National Socialist attempts at "democratization," Class distinctions still remain very strong in Germany, and while the worker is told that he is being afforded the privileges of the rich in Strength through Joy, he is left in no doubt that these privileges are presented to him in a form appropriate to his station, and he consequently does not expect many luxuries. In an individualistic environment a Strength through Joy movement might possibly have to be kept free from this tinge of "proletarianism" and be made to construct its appeal upon the values it was capable of offering universally, or at least on a broader basis than is now the case in Germany. JDB: EM |