TELEGRAM SENT JT This telegram must be March 7, 1940 closely paraphrased be- fore being communicated 9 p.m. to anyone. (D) AMERICAN EMBASSY Moscow (U.S.S R.) 150 TRIPLE PRIORITY The Finnish Foreign Minister has informed Sterling at Stockholm that the Finnish Government has accepted Russian invitation to send envoys to Moscow and that a delegation in- cluding Tanner and Passikivi flew from Stockholm to Moscow early this morning. It is believed that the Russian terms are drastic. Kindly arrange to see Molotov immediately, putting the conference on as personal a basis as possible. Please state to him that this government has no purpose of intervening in the negotiations between Finland and the Soviet Union, but the American people are vividly interested. Our public opin- ion would be deeply imprsssed were the Soviet government to take a generous attitude towards Finland. In your discretion you might further intimate that you are informed that there has been increasing popular demand here for measures affecting economic relations with certain areas, |