Conference held on 31st July, 1941. between M.Stalin, Mr. Hopkins, and the interpreter M. Litvinov. at the Kremlin in Moscow -6.30 p.m. to 9-30 p.m. I told Mr. Stalin that the President was anxious to have his - Stalin's - appreciation and analysis of the war between Germany and Russia. Mr. Stalin outlined the situation as follows: - He stated that in his opinion the German Army had 175 divisions on Russia's western front at the outbreak of the war, and that since the outbreak of the war, this has been increased to 232 divisions: he believes that Germany can mobiles divisions. He stated that Russia had 180 divisions at the outbreak of the war, but many of these were well back of the line of combat, and could not be quickly mobilised, so that when the Germans struck it was impossible to offer adequate resistance. The line which is new held is a far mere propitious one than the mere advaneed line which they might have taken up had their divisions been prepared. Since war began, hewever, divisions have been placed in their appropriate positions, and at the present time he believes that Russia has a few more divisions than Germany, and places the number of Russian divisions at 240 in the front, with 20 in reserve. Stalin said that about one third of these divisions had not as yet been under fire. Mr. Stalin stated that he can mobilis, 350 divisions and will have that many divisions under arms by the time the spring campaign begins in May, 1942. He is anxious to have as many of his divisions as possible in contact with the enemy, because then the troops learn that Germans can be killed and are not supermen. This gives his divisions the same kind of confidence that a pilot gets after his first combat in the air. Stalin said that "nothing in warfare eau take the plaoe of actual combat" and |