CONFERENCE HELD ON JULY 31, 1941, BETWEEN MR. STALIN, MR. HOPKINS, AND THE INTERPRETER MR. LITVINOV, AT THE KREMLIN IN MOSCOW - 6:30 p.m. TO 9:30 p.m. PART II I told Mr. Stalin at this conference that our Government and the British Government (Churchill having authorized me to say this) were willing to do everything that they possibly could during the succeeding weeks to send materiel to Russia. This materiel, however, must obviously be already manufactured and that he - Stalin - must understand that even this materiel could in all probability not reach his battle lines before the bad weather closes in. I told him that we believed that plans should be made for a long war; that so far as the United States was concerned we had large supply commitments in relation to our own Army, Navy and Merchant Marine, as well as very substantial responsibilities for supplies to England, China and the Republics of South America. I told him that the decisious relating to the long range supply problem could only be resolved if our Government had complete knowledge, not only of the military situation in Russia, but of type, number and quality of their military weapons, as well as full knowledge of raw materials and factory capacity. |