PARAPHRASE OF TELEGRAM DATED OCTOBER 30 TO MR. STALIN I have examined b record of the Moscow Conference and the members of the mission have discussed the details with me. All of the milltary equipment and munitions items have been approved and I have ordered as far as possible the delivery of raw materials be expedited. Deliveries have been directed to commence immediately and to be fulfllled in the largest possible amounts. In an effort to obviate any financial difficulties immediate arrangements are to be made so that supplies up to one billlon dollars in value nay be effected under the Lend-Lease Act. If approved by the Government of the U.S.S.R. I propose that the indebtedness thus incurred be subject to no interest and that the payments by the Government of the U.S.S.R. do not commence until five years after the war's concluslion and be completed over a ten-year period thereafter. I hope that special efforts will be arranged by your Government to sell us the available raw materials and commoditlies which the United States may need urgently under the arrangement that the proeeeds thereof be credited to the Soviet Government's account. At this opportunity I want to tell you of the appreciation |