This telegram must be closely paraphrased before being communicated to anyone. (SC)
Dated December 8, 1942
Rec'd. 10:45 a.m., 9th.
Secretary of State,
523, December 8, 8 p.m. (SECTION THREE)
After a second stop at the headquarters of General Chistakov of the 21st Army we
proceeded northward to Kletzkia for another crossing of the Don River and the return to
Serafimjhich by a different route than was followed going down. On arrival we were taken to the
headquarters of Lieutenant General Romanyenko, one on the east flank commanded by Major
General Batov, and other forces further to the east.
General Vatutine and members of his staff showed us more maps, outlining fully the plans
of the entire offensive and the manner in which these plans were executed. The actual
achievements in the battle coincided to a remarkable degree with those plans. The General