-3-#'2897, May 24, midnight from London.
had special interests in Finland and Rumania.
Eden told me that he still hoped that this reference
might be eliminated.
From the beginning Molotov has been interested
in tyro things: First, a second front, and secondt
the treaty proposals. I understand that the British
have told him that we (United States and Great
Britain) stand together on the second front issue.
I was also told that both the Prime Minister and
Eden did their utmost make Molotov understand
opposition to the Russian frontier proposals.
I was to meet with the Russians on Friday
but it could not be arranged. Eden then asked them
to have lunch with him yesterday, explaining that he
was inviting me.
They in turn asked him to have
lunch with them at their embassy in London. He
said that he would be delighted to, and that he
would bring me. The Saturday morning meeting
however, ran until late with many differences of
opinion, so the Russians asked to postpone their
luncheon until Tuesday.
I lunched alone with eden
at ths Foreign Office. Maisky had previously told
me that he wanted to arrange a meeting for me with