-12 #2897, May 24, midnight, from London,
Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom, signed
at Moscow on the twelfth July, 1941,
Part I of the present Treaty shall remain in
force until the reestablishment of peace between
the High Contracting Parties and Germany and the
Powers associated with her acts of aggression in
Part II of the present Treaty shall remain
in force for a period of 20 years. Thereafter
unless twelve either party to terminate the Treaty at the end of the said period of twenty years,
it shall continue in force until twelve months after either High Contracting Party shall have given
notice to the other in writing of his intention to terminate it.
In Witness Whereof the above-named Pleni-
potentiarties have signed the present Treaty and
have affixed thereto their seals.
Done in Duplicate in------- on the------- day of------1942,
in the Russian and English languages, both texts being equally authentic."