Potters Field, Each box was identified to ocrrespond with the stake to be erected above that individual grave. A combined Protestant and Catholic burial service was provided by Chaplain (Lieutenant Colonel) Charles D. Trexler, Protestant, and Chaplain (First Lieutenant) Edward J. McTague, Catholic. The six bodies were buried at 7:30 P.M., August 11, 1942, and the numbered stakes without names were placed above the graves in the following order: 276 - Richard Quirin 277 - Heinrich Harm Heinck 278 - Herbert Hans Haupt 279 - Edward John Kerling 280- Hermann Otto Neubauer 281 - Werner Thiel The precautions taken were such that no information has been given out and no photographs taken during any stage of these procedures so far as known. All concerned with the disposition of the bodies have been warned concerning need for secrecy both present and future. /s/ S.U. MARIETTA, Brigadier General, Medical Department, Commanding. 1st Ind. [Office Chief of Staff- August 15- 1942 A copy of this report will be shown to the Secretary of War and to the Chief of Staff and then filed inthe secret' files of the Adjutant General's Office. John ? Colonel, G.S.C. Secretary, General Staff. -2- |