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     3. It must as soon s possible take over full responsibili-
ty for relief in Greece. Although his staff is anxious to do so,
the Governor is extremely cautious about this. Law and I have
strongly urged him to move forward on this, and this is the type
of problems on which a strong Senior Deputy could be of great
     4. The Governor's relations with the Soviet Government leave
much to be desired. The mian problem as to Poland and Czecho-
slovakia has been the reluctance of the Soviets to come to terms
with the Governor who has been unable thus far to arrange for a
mission to go to Poland or for himself to go to Moscow. There 
is still to be worked out the all important question of transit
of supplies through Soviet territory. We have done all that we
properly an to help the Governor on this.
     5. The shipping situation, of course, affects UNRRA as it
does all relief operations. You are familiar with this.
     While we and the British are not satisfied, therefore, with
the progress of UNRRA, we are both committed to trying to work
it out.
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