Text Version

                         August 5, 1937
     The President requests me to advise
that General Douglas MacArthur be informed that
his services in the Philippines shall terminate
upon the conclusion of a two year tour of duty
there; that the General is needed for service
in the United States; that the General be acquainted
with post commands ^to which he may be assigned at
the time of his return to active duty in the United
States; and that he be given his preference of such
posts as may be available at that time. As a furthur
consideration, in the event the General prefers
some Corps Area or other command which may not
be open, at that time, the President is willing
that the War Department work out much transfer of
officers as may be necessary to permit General
MacArthur to take over the post he most desires.
     The President has noted the contents
of the confidential letter addressed by Brigadier
General Conley to General Douglas MacArthur, under
date of September 18, 1935. He directs that such
portions of this letter or of existing War Department
orders as conflict with the above request shall be
nullified, i.e. "x x x limit of time of foreign
service is waived in your case" etc.
               STEPHEN EARLY
               Secretary to the President
STE{Later Memo from Craig on this
     in Miss LeHands Confidential Files.
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