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                         WAR DEPARTMENT
                                   January 14, 1942.
          Subject:  Shipment Small Troop Detachments 
                    from Halifax, Nova Scotia.
     An investigation has been made to determine the 
feasibility of shipping small detachments of troops in any space 
which might be made available on loaded freighters awaiting escort 
from Halifax, Nova Scotia, to the United Kingdom.
     It has been determined that less than 25% of such 
vessels have space which can be utilized. A few freighters do 
have facilities for from ten (10) to twenty (20) troop passengers 
and small additional cargo. The Canadian government makes a 
careful survey to secure any available space for troops or 
freight. From a replacement depot which has been established 
at Halifax all such space is fully utilized.
     Any United States troops which might be transported by 
freighter from Halifax would cause a like reduction in Canadian 
shipments for which special facilities have been constructed. 
In view of the small numbers affected and since no overall gain 
would be secured, it is believed inadvisable to make use of this 
means of transportation at this time.
                         /s/ Henry L. Stimson
                         Secretary of War
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