PARAPHRASE OF TELEGRAM RECEIVED FROM: AM. EMBASSY, LONDON TO: SECRETARY OF STATE DATED: OCTOBER 17, 1944, 7:48 P.M. NUMBER: 8842 Ambassador Murphy states that during a recent staff meeting the Chief of the Psychological Warfare Division of SHAEF recommended the issuance of a SHAEF directive which would redefine the objectives of Allied Occupation of Germany with special reference to the presurrender period. He suggested a priority list as follows: (1) to maintain output of key industries and essential services; (2) to obtain from the purged German administration at least that degree of collaboration which will prevent administrative sabotage; (3) to induce in German civilians in occupied territories non-resistance and obedience to our orders thus reducing the number of garrison troops necessary; (4) by the example of life under military government to counter the effect of Nazi propaganda in the German Army and to weaken its spirit of resistance and (5) to obtain from the civilian population at least that degree of acceptance of our rule which will make them unwilling to harbor Nazi guerillas and saboteurs. Murphy states that no decisions have yet been taken on these points but that a committee has been established to consider these questions and to formulate local directives. Murphy adds that SHAEF points out that military operations require the continued operation of railways, public services and the coal mines in addition to other services. German personnel will be |