THE AMBASSADOR. AUGUST 13, 1936. No DD-PK yestersay and today. OLYMPIC GAMES still front page, with America and Germany 19 Gold Medals each. Germany leads, however, in Silver and Bronze medals. American women won all three medals in diving so VOELKISCHER BEOBACHTER devoted only half the text of the front page to Olympics, featuring Women's Gymnastic where Gold Medal went to Germany. The other half of the front page devoted to foreign politics, headline: "FREE ENTRY FOR TRAVEL TO AUSTRIA - AUSTRO-GERMAN NEGOTIATIONS CONCLUDED." Other measures drafted are for increasing mutual exchange of commodities, to be signed and put into effect after being approved by both Governments. Other foreign news has to do mostly with SPAIN either directly or indirectly and is in the well-known anti-Soviet, anti-Front-Populair spirit. French Chief of Staff Gamelin visits Warsaw and VB tries to minimize political importance of the event, saying that while his welcome in Poland was hearty it was meant more for "Latin Culture" than for Front Populair. RIBBENTROP - in absence of DD-PK comment, German press restricts itself to reproducing biographic data and English and French comment on his appointment to London. The English comment reproduced here is all favorable. The French comment reproduced amounts to saying that the appointment of Ribbentrop indicates importance attached by Germany to Anglo-German relations and preparationd for forthcoming Locarno Conference. SHURMANN - according to PRESSEBERICHT, our former Ambassador, in an interview with N.S.KORRESPONDENZ, said "Only a Germany with equal rights, and sovereign, can arrive at agreement with the two great European states which fought and struggled in particularly close union against the Reich". SCHWARZE CORPS requests foreign Olympia guests in Germany to open wide their eyes and to see not only official personages but the man on the street and polemizes against an article in the BASLER NATIONALZEITUNG which stated that in Germany not joy stood in the center of life but fear- fear of spies, agents provocateurs, fear of loss of job, fear of imprisonment, etc. (How does the average German, who may be suffering from at least one of these anxieties, feel when he reads his SCHWARZE KORPS- or does he?) HCF |