-4- (15) Schacht and the "Kolonial Bund" are pressing for colonies. The opposition to tropical colonies expressed in "Mein Kampf" seems to turn the pointer eastward as a natural corollary to anti-Soviet policy. *** Actual advancement toward peace in Europe has been nil recently due largely to Germany (diplomacy plus saber rattling), and on the loss side the following points appear. (1) There are indications that England feels that Germany "must be written off as a bad job" and England is re-arming for any emergency. (2) Germany has alienated Poland to a certain extent through the Nazi's activities in Danzig. (3) Belgian rearmament could also be turned to the advantage of France. (4) The Franco-Soviet pact depending on its real military value can be regarded as a loss for Germany. (5) Germany's internal activities have alienated Catholicism and to some extent christianity generally, and because of the attitude adopted toward racial matters, justice and real democracy, bad economic relations have arisen with the United States. (6) Germany will seek to realize her aims without war if possible. If not? ..... WE:JF:DW (15) Schacht |