to pass a customs examination, each voyager however being permitted to take out half a bottle of liquor, a large slab of Dutch chocolate or a package of foreign cigarettes. There appear to have been no casualties or stay-behinds and the party left promptly at 5 p.m. Under the influence of the Helgoland visit, the seven-hour return voyage to Hamburg was a gay one. Upon arrival the travelers were met again by Strength Through Joy local officials who herded them into special subway trains taking them to the main station from which the train left at midnight as per schedule. The five and a half hour long rail Journey sitting upon benches of a third class carriage was grim indeed but was accepted by the majority in good part as an inevitable price to be paid. The long hours were variously spent in dozing, accordion playting and enjoyment of the spoils of Helgoland. The spirit in which the travelers took leave of each, other upon arriving in Berlin on Monday morning seemed to be ample proof that everybody had had a good time. Several interesting general, impressions remain from the trip. The first is that the strength of National Socialism appears as heretofore to lie most deeply rooted in the lower middle class, more particularly among the low salaried white collar workers. Some of these had brought along an abundance of National Socialist literature and attempted to proselytize the writer. Incidentally it was in- |