subject treated in lectures is de- veloped in further discussion- (4) Arbeitskreise, or "working circles" which are simultaneously lecture and discussion groups. This method is employed most frequently in the pur- suit of what might be called "hobby" subjects such as amateur photography, astronomy, stamp collecting, chess, or manual training. (5) Elementary courses in foreign languages (in the Volksbildungsstatten in big cit- ies nine languages are offered); in Algebra; logarithmic calculations; book- keeping; shorthand; drawing; sculpture; wood carving; commercial German; accor- dion or clarinet lessons; etc. visits to museums and places ( 6 ) Exhibitions, of historical interest (castles, prehis- toric excavations, battlefields or pla- ces famous in folklore), guided tours through factories, etc. Strength through Joy puts special emphasis on the latter kind of tour as promoting fellowship and understanding among workers of different plants. Periodical group inspections are made of such factories of general in- terest as the Siemens-Halske electrical works, a local brewery or dairy plant, |