Text Version

February 14, 1942
Subject: C.P.S. 2/2 -- Super Gymnast.
            1. In reply to request in memorandum WPD, dated February 14,  1942 the following are
submitted as the comments of the Military Intelligence Division on paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, "Scale
of. Air Attacks":
             Should the Axis move into West and Northwest Africa their aircraft will form the
advance element. Due to the availability of numerous bases and lines of communication through
Spain, Sicily and North Africa, this move will not occasion any serious difficulty for the Axis. Air
Force requirements would not be great and sufficient means are now available.
             The Intelligence Division estimates that the Germans have a total of 750 aircraft based in
Italy and Sicily with an additional 200 German aircraft in Spain. The Italics have a total combat
airforce of approximately 1000 aircraft, including army observation types, which are now based in
Italy and Sicily and are not engaged in North Africa. The foregoing estimate is an over all strength
including reserves.
             The disposition of the Lxis Air Force is such as to permit the movement through two
zones, (1) Sicily and (2) Spain, Operations could occur simultaneously.
The scales of effort are estimated as follows:
From Sicily -  350 aircraft
From Spain -  350 aircraft
                     700 total
             It is estimated that the enemy's air attack from Sicily would be directed against Algeria
and the attack from Spain in the direction of Casablanca.
             It is believed that operations could commence when the decision to do so has been made.
For the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2:
     Colonel, General Staff
     Executive 0fficer,  G-2.
JOS memo, 1-4-74
By RHP,  NLR, Date  FEB 1 9 1974
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