courses of action with minimum forces, exert a maximum
effort in cooperation with the British, in offensive oper-
ations against Germany.
13. It is recommended that specific assignments of United States
forcos for 1942 be:
(a) Those recommended in Annex "A" for the purpose of
securing the Southwest Pacific including Australia, and
which include recommendations for Alaska, Hawaii, and
(b) Those recommended in Annex "D" for certain overseas
positions in the Atlantic and for India-Burma-China.
(c) Those recommended in Annex "E" for naval forces on the
assumption that Australia is to be secured.
(d) Movement of air forces to the European Theater to
the extent permitted by the foregoing roquirments. It
is estimated that their strength can be approximately:
Aircraft Troops
By July 1, 1942 - 700 50,00
Oct. 1, 1942 - 1400 114,000
Jan. 1 1943 - 2300 183,000
(e) Movement of ground forces to the European Theater
to the extent permitted by shipping available. It is
estimated that their numbers can be approximately:
By July 1, 1942 - 51,000
0ct. 1, 1942 - 191,000
Jan. 1, 1943 - 252,000