Text Version

AvAn~L;n~ or mrr~ ~rA~ ~t~0
ComPiled u of Rafch 1. !9/,2_
1. The available transports are sufficient to move aU the troops that
can 11)o mainta~ned o~rssea with the cargo useels expected to be
avaLlahte during 19/~. Within th~ z capecity t
A* 23,760 troop can be truMperred eGobat loaded In one trip.
      ~. 12,000 addAtlonal troops can be carrAid combeL loaded by Julyw
19A2. ~F~'-00~O ~'tGO ~b'I~LL(~00 dead nitht tons or over),
1. This As the crit-~cal Item and It controls the minirude of our
overecas effort.
&. Controlled by hri~ Goredmaim.    ~1~ eh~pa - ~,665,000 eh~p tons (~O
cu.ft.por ton)
                       Al~PmxJLmt z dirt rihltAon.
ii r--..,,.,,,or
       170 Archongel and Forsion Gulf Routes.
      I 175 India - Burma - bd Sea routes.
   (4 70 tramp*rUng coal0 haulLite0 meganera and falocol~frlooUl
strategic Baterials.
       ~1~ Total.
b. Controlbd by U.S. Hay7 z                  67 ships - 694,000 ,h~p
c. Controlled by U.S. ~         110 ships - 1,2OO,000 ship tone.
~otos Only the Army ships are available to mdntain mJctttl, en&l troops
overseas. The pro,sat ohlppLng mn smXn~ln a mudmum of ~75)000 troops.
c. F~c~s U~O FOe D~=~,,CARCO mI~ R~.=~.
1.  These data have been carefUl!~ eh0cked and the Esot, re such as
actual capiciLy of
    car~ vessels, the ship locatim8 and turn-aroundo, fbctor for
eink~gs, and the
    like, have been i~duced to a cornea denominator. Thb tfble eh~ee
therefore the
    ~r of troops that con be transported and maintained over,see u~th a
given ember
    of estes ships durir~ 19~2, This is under the assumption that an
average of 18
    add~tAonal cargo vessels per month will bec~no avaLlabb, dlieh has
been proposed
    by the War De~art~e, nt as a basle for plannh~g. This 10 also under
the assumption
    that sufficient add~tional cargo vessels will become available to
meet NaY7 re-
    quiremeats. The averse capacity of these cargo vessels is assumed
to be LI,OOO
    e~p Lens. The avere6e turn-around to taken as 2,7 months.
2. In est~natl~ the nm~ber of troops that cm be subsequently
transported and maintained overs.as during 19~, the following
conservative data have been used. This 1o based on the experience
~&Lned from the actual loadleA of task forces,
3hAp tom per man.
Tropic ~              A~ctic
a_. Eq~t~nont, vehicles~ .gum           ~        ~          ~
b. ~0 day minterasco I        l.~        2
c. 60 dayu saintsense                   2         3         z &
d, Ship tons required for ~he initial moverant of porsenml~ their
]J~ttvi&ml eq~psmt and subsistmoo while mrmte, hu been determined, from
past ex~riemes, to be about ~.75 ship tone per man. This tom~qe is
noFmall~ esrried in troop transports. The figure of ~ tons in
sub-peragra~h a. above also provides for the shipmat of dr force
equipment nnd crated a~plAr~s (~ess the large airplmes that usually fl~
Lo destiraticn). If a shipment should be primaril~ tank or tank
deetmTor units, the figure of ~ ship tons in sub-pt&graph a. above
should be increased.
MllLtary overseas movenent and m~lntemnce plane ,re based on obtahaing
an avero~e of
18 additional car~o ships per month; losses included. Mlth this
Increase the follow-
ln~ troo~ cm be moved a~A mintaired.
a. ~umber of troops that can be maintained overHal lrJLth preset
shippins Number of troop, overmas or enroute (lees P.X.) ae of l~ardl
10 19~b2 Additional. troops that can be moved and maintaJumed with
promfit shipptng
b.  Troo~ that can be moved arid mLlntained with addltim&i 18 nhip per
    (l) Additional troops that can be moved and ~aint~md to Jul~ 1~
                          (monthlz average ~0,000)
       Cumlative total to July 1
    (2) Add~t~ona~ troops that can be moved and maintained to October
1, .
                          (Jdonthl~ average 01,0CI0)'
       Cumulative totallie October 1
    (7) Additional troops that can be moved and maintained to J .Meaty
           z               (~ntbly average 79,000)
       Cumulative total to Joeusry 1
    (~) Total troops owrecu or ear*ufo (lose P.I.) ms of March 1
E.* Tot~X t~ol~ that can be malnteLned ,yetsou during 19/~ w~h averqe
    turn-around (2.7 nonthe)
d. Total trooi~ that. can be e~lntain, d ~r~ dhrtng 1~2 if' bulk of
     troop, go to ~pe (2.& .ruth.) btl.~ed.
o. Total troop that e~n be maintained ovorseM during 19/62 if b~k of
    troops go to Auatrulia (&oS months) Eat]Just,d.
- ~09,000
- lS3.0o0
- ,,92,ooo
- 267.OOO
- e75,000
n- 980,000
- ~O,OCO
~. Total treops that can be mminta~ned overseas during 19/,2 if tmlk of
troops go to Xndta-~tddle Bast (~.O months) bt]~mtod.
- &72,000        '.
          JC~ L;.-,., ...... F]~,..,O:J O.qANCH
                           MAY 2 ~t~
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