Text Version

               GENERAL SOMERVELL said that the whole range of United States shipping, both
passenger-carrying and freight, had been reviewed and no further resources could be tapped. All
passenger ships, including those on the South American lines, would be taken up. The only way of
increasing the number of freight ships would be to use ships already earmarked for supplies to
Russia and the Middle East.
ADMIRAL TURNER confirmed that escorts could be provided for the last American convoy but
one, shown in paragraph 9 on D-163 .instead of D-178.
(See Annex 1)
THE CONFERENCE accepted the paper prepared by the United States Planning Staff, subject to
the amendments agreed in discussion, as a basis on which the Comhined Chiefs of Staff should
inform the President and the Prime Minister regarding the time factor for Super-Gymnast.
(See.Annex l)
                THE CONFERENCE had before them a draft prepared by the United States Chiefs of
Staff on Post-Arcadia Collaboration (U.S. ABC-4/CS4).
               This draft was considered paragraph by paragraph and certain amendments agreed to.
THE CONFERENCE approved the draft as amended in discussion and agreed that it should be
submitted to the President and the Prime Minister.
(See Annex 2)
Annex 1 - Operation Super-Gymnast (U.S. ABC-4/2A, British WW-17).
Annex 2 - Post-Arcadia Collaboration (U.S. ABC/CS4, British WW-16).
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