U. S. ABC-4/CS4 BRITISIt WW-16 J. ~an_~hry 14, 1942 z WASHINCION WAR CONFERENCE POST-ARCADIA COLLABORATION MEMORANDUM .BY CO~INED CHIEFS OF 'ST.A~ ! In order to prOv. ide for the .continuance of the necessary machinery to effect collaboration between the United Nations after the departure from Washington of the British Chiefs of Staff, the Combined Chiefs of Staff (formerly designated as "Joint Chiefs of Staff") propose the broad pr. inciples and basic organization herein outlined. 2. To avoid confusion we suggest that hereafter the word "Joint" be applied to Inter-Serv. ice collaboration of ONE NATION, and the word "Combined" to collaboration between two or more of the UNITED N~TIONS. 3. DEFINITIONS. - a. The term "Combined Chiefs of Staff" is defined as the British w Chiefs of Staff (or in their absence from Washington, their duly accredited representatives), andthe United States opposite numbers of the British Chiefs of Staff. b_. The term "Combined Staff Planners" is defined as the body of officers duly appointed by the Combined Chiefs of Staff to make such studies, draft such plans, and perform such other work as may from time to time be placed on the "Combined Chiefs of Staff Agenda" by that Body, and duly delegated bythem to the Combined Staff Planners. ~. The "Combined Secretariat" is defined as the body of officers duly appointed by the Combined Chiefs of Staff to maintain necessary rec- ords, prepare and distribute essential papers, and perform such other work as is delegatedto them by the Combined Chiefs of Staff. 4. PERSONNEL. - _a The Heads of the Joint Staff Mission, Admiral Sir Charles Little, Lt. General Sir Colville Wemyss, and Air Marshal A. T. Harris, will rep- . resent the British Chiefs of Staff in Washington. b. The Joint Staff Planners will be' -- I -- |