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                     HENRY    T.  HACKETT
                ATTORNEY  & COUNSELLOR  AT  LAW
                      226  UNION   STREET
                    POUGHKEEPSIE,    NEW YORK
                                   Sept. 24th, 1935.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White' House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:
                  My brother and I are the-Executors of the
Will of  Augusta K. vanBenschoten, an American citizen and 
resident of Poughkeepsie, who died at Menton, France on 
April 3,1935 leaving a Will which had been-executed by her 
at the American Consulate at Geneva, Switzerland on June 
6th, 1933 and was witnessed by Gilson G. Blake and John
Wirth, who I am informed were and still are attached to 
the American Consulate at Geneva.
                The Surrogate of Dutchess County made an
order appointing Prentiss Gilbert, the Americam Consul at 
Geneva,Switzerland,comissioner to take the testimony of 
these witnesses.Mr.Gilbert claims that the testimony must 
be taken by some Swiss Judge. I do not know why the Swiss 
law should interfere unless the witnesses are Swiss subjects.                                            
                I would greatly appreciate it if you would
let me know with whom I can communicate in the State 
Department in order to straighten this matter out.
                              Sincerely yours,             
                             [Henry T. Hackett]
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