Text Version

                           HENRY T.    HACKETT'
                  ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT  lAW
                           226  UNION  STREET
                  POUGHKEEPSIE        NEW YORK
                                           Nov. 7th, 1935.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
 Washington, D. C              
Dear Franklin: ,                    '-
         I am enclosing herewith the' contract for the purchase
of the Gregg 'farm executed in duplicate by Pete C. Rohen and 
wife for $24,500., $2,450. to be paid upon-the execution of the 
contract and the balance of $22,050 in cash upon delivery of the
deed on April 1st, 1936. Peter C.Rohan is to pay one-fourth of the
taxes due and payable in January, 1936.
        If this is satisfactory, please sign each and return
them to me with a check for $2,450. payable to Peter C.Rohan.
     He tells me that the corn ground should be plowed and 
limed this Fall and is willing to do it for you if you want 
it done.
                With kindest regards, I am
                               Sincerely yours,
                               [Henry T. Hackett]
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