Henry T. Hackett ATTORNEY & COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK Nov.25th, 1935. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt Warm Springs Georgia. Dear Franklin: I acknowledge receipt of yours of the 22nd instant containing cheek to the order of the Estate of Anne C.Rogers for$5,000., which I expect to deliver to Mr. Edmund P. Rogers tomorrow morning. I am filing the deed to be recorded this morning. As soon as I can get in touch with Peter Rohan, I will tellhim to proceed with the plowing. I inquired of Benjamin Haviland and he told me that one man can plow on an average of about anacre a day and that $4.00 an acre for a man and team is a reasonable amount. There seems to be some complicationsin the Wyatt Jones title and I will write to you about this matter in a day orso. With kindeset regards, I am Sincerely yours, [Henry T. Hackett] |