HENRY T. HACKETT ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE,NEWYORK Nov. 27th,1935. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Warm Springs, Georgia. Dear Franklin: Upon plotting out Wyatt Jones' land it appears that Schaffer, the owner of the main part of the farm tothe east,owns a wood lot of about six acres between parcels 1,2 and owned by JOnes. I told Jones that you would probably would not care to buy his land with someone else's wood lot in the center of it. Schaffer has been in to see me and at first was not inclined to sell the wood lot separate from the farm as he claimed it was the only wood land on his farm,but finally said that if you made him an offer he might seIl it. Jones owns parcels 1, 2 and 3 subject to a $600. mortgage and the present unpaid taxes. There is some question about the correct boundarof the parcel 3. In l921 Fred Adams, the predecessor in title to Schaffer, sold a lot 312 feet in width on the north and south lines and 912 feet in length on the east an west lines to Leetar Griffin Gossoo sold this parcel to Jones and his wife by a description in metes and bounds as plotted out on the enclosed map, which appears to contain more land that he actually bought from Adams. I think a quit-claim deed from Schaffer, and a release from the Federal Land Bank would correct this matter. If you should decide to purchase the JOnes property and the Schaffer wood lot, I would suggest that the offer forthe wood lot include the fee to the thirty foot right of my owned by Schafferextending westerly from Cream Street along the south line of his farm to Jones' property. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, [Henry T. Hackett] |