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                                      At Warm Springs,Ga.,  
                                      December  2,  1935.
Dear Henry:-
                    As I  wired  you  the  other  day, I 
thinkit is all right to go ahead with:
            (a) The purchase of the Jones land.
            (b) The purchase of the
                wood lot for $600 and unpaid
            (c) The fee of the right of way
                  out to Cream Street.
              I think you should tell Jones that he must
remove hisdance hall within three or fourmonths, and it
might be wellto have someone check up on the house and
barn on the premises.8o as to be sure he does not try to
remove anything that ispart of the realty!
             Gus Gennerich has a friend in New York who
probably would be willing to go up there in April to live
as a rent-free tenant until such time as I get someone else.
This may be a goodidea, as the man and his wife are 
respectable, hard working people.
             Incidentally, I take it Jones will remove the
pigs even if part of the smell remains behind!
                  As ever yours,
Henry T. Hackett, Esq.,
226 Union Street,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
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