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                 HENRY T.HACKETT
                 226 UNION STREET
                                    Jan. 15th, 1936.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:
                      I am enclosing herewith a statement
for the year1935 of the rents received and payments made by
my brother, John M. Hackett for the Bennett and Tompkins
farms, from Which it appears there is a balance of $271.74
on hand and  that Moses is in arrears  to the extent of $210.
for the year 1935. 
                  He has promised to pay $175. on Jan. 25th.
The taxes on the two farms this year, including collector's
fee, amount to............................. $484.47
Balance on hand available for this purpose  $271.74
                                            $ 212.73
                  Please send me a check for$212.73 so 
that we may save the penalty in case Moses fails, If Moses
does not fail,we will probably need the $212.73 to pay your
proportionate share of the taxes on land purchased from the
Newbolds and Rogers. These properties will not be assessed
separately in your name until the  new tax roll is made up
in July 1936.
                   With kindest regards,  I  am
                                   Sincerely yours,
                               [Henry T. Hackett]
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