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             HENRY    T.   HACKETT
           226      UNION   STREET
         POUGHKEEPSIE,        NEW YORK
                               Jan. 25th, 1936.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D. C.
Dear Franklin:
                          In reply to yours of the 15th
instant,about the 1st of December I offered Schaeffer $600. 
for his wood lot and the fee of the road out to Cream Street. 
He would not accept this offer. He wanted $1,000. for the 
wood lot and fee of the road and also insisted on reserving 
the wood on the wood lot and the right to use the road as 
far as the west line of his property. I have not seen him 
since,but, as soon as the snow melts some I will send for 
him and see if I can do anything with him.
                     Moses paid $150. today on account of
his back rent, so that I have enough to pay the Newbold 
                    Hoping that I may be able to see you
when you are here in February, I am
                      Sincerely yours,
                      [Henry T. Hackett]
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