Text Version

1956 Rogers, E. P., H. L. and Wm. C.
 Residence    Value of land     Value of land           Tax
                               & buildings        
.......................   ........................ 
............................   ....................      
          782 A        $ 38,300.        $ 137,800.          
$ 3,734.38
The assessed value of the land alone, which includes the
52.374 acres sold to President Roosevelt, is $38,300. 
divided by 782 acres equals $ 48.98 pe acre
The assessed value of the 52.374 acres sold to the President
at $48.98 an acre is $2,565.27
The tax on the 52.374 acres sold to the President at$27.10 
per thousand is $2,565.27 x 27.10 equals  $69.52                       
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