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                 HENRY    T.  HACKETT
                 226   UNION   STREET
            POUGHKEEPSIE,        NEW YORK
                                    Feb. 17th, 1936.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
Washington, D.C.
Dear Franklin:
                           I acknowled receipt of yours 
of the 14th instant and will attend to the refund to the 
Rogers estate at once.
                          I will send for Schaffer and 
make him an offer of $750. for the wood lot and right 
of way.
                        Peter C. Rohan was here this 
morning and said that he understood that the man on his 
farm had been writing to you and that  he would like to 
see you and talk to you before you see the man.
                       Hoping to see you soon, I am
                           Sincerely yours,
                         [Henry T Hackett]          
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