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                                         march 19, 1936.
Dear Henry:-
                         I have duly signed the two copies
fo the lease to Peter C. Rohan fo the Campion farm and am
returning them herewith. I enclose my checks one for $
13,000 and the other for $9,133.50, to complete the payment
for the farm, title to be closed April first.
     Willy ou also be good enough to see that the insurance on
the buildings is in proper shape?
     Will you tell Peter Rohan that I am delighted that he is
running the farm for another year and that I will see him
(and you also) when I get back- I hope the end of April-for
a few days? At that time if the snow is really out of the
woods, I hope to lay out the road to Cream Street from the
Val-Kill cottage.
     As ever yours,
Henry T. Hackett,Esq.,
226 Union Street
New York, N.Y.
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