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                  HENRY T.   HACKETT
                   226  UNION  STREET
          POUGHKEEPSIE,           NEW YORK
                                          March 12th,   1936.
Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt
The White House
 Washimqton, D. C.
Dear Franklin:
      On April 1st I shall need $22,133 .15 to  complete the 
purchase of the Peter C. Rohan farm, viz.
Purchase price                                $24,500.00
Paid on execution of contract                $ 2,450.00            
Balance on delivery of deed. 
 The taxes amount to     $ 110.86
 Rohan agreed to pay 1/4     27.71
   Rohan has agreed to pay $500. a year rent for this farm
and wants me to tell you that he has hired Schiller,the ,
man on the farm, for another year.
          Enclosed herewith is proposed lease of the farm to 
Rohan for one year. If satisfactory to you, please sign each on the
first line and return to me. Also, do not forget to send me the
 money so I can close this transaction on April 1st.
                       With kindest regards,
                        Sincerely yours,
                      [Henry T. Hackett]
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