HENRY T. HACKETT ATTORNEY& COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK August 5th, 1936. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Hyde Park, New York. Dear Franklin: I have just examined this year's tax roll of the Town of Hyde Park and find that the real estate you purchased last year assessed as follows: Land Land and Improvements "Wood lot, l0 acres $ 200. $200. This is the Briggs wood lot for which you paid $500.00 "Vacant land, V4 acres 2,000. 2,000. This is the rear of the Dumphy farm for which you paid $1,000. The assessors realize you got a bargain. "Farm, 133 acres 7,000. 10,000. This is the Peter C.Rohan farm for which you paid $24,500. In view of the price you paid I do not think the assessment out of the way. "Vacant land, 52 acres 800 800. This is the land you purchased from the Rogers Estate for $5,000. In view of the price you paid it seems to be a very fair assessment. Grievance Day is the third Tuesday of August (the 18th). Kindly let me know if you want to file any objections or not. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, [Henry T. Hackett] |