HENRY T.HACKETT ATTORNEY& COUNSELLOR AT LAW 226 UNION STREET POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK Jan. 25th, 1937. Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt The White ttouse Washington, D. C. Dear Franklin: In reference to the letter of Mr. Schneikraut of the 20th instant which you sent me, my brother and Mr. Martin of the Bankers Trust Company have been in correspondence with him for some time, and they have authorized Mr.Schneikraut to collect whatever may be due your brother's estate on a 40% basis. About twenty years ago a similar situation occurred when my father and your brother were alive. At that time,they paid someone in Brooklyn a certain percentage to recover some money which they were informed belonged to your father's estate. I do not think it necessary for Mr. Schneikraut to go to Washington to bother you. I do not know anything about any Long Island property' owned by your father. You may notify Mr.Sehneikrsut, if you care to,that I will furnish him whatever facts I have about the family history and records of Wills, etc. here. Enclosed herewith are copies of the correspondence had herein. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, [Henry T. Hackett] |