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John E. Hackett,  ESQ.                                     
December 17th,1936
just outside of the park limits. I just called this incident
to your attention to possibly refresh your recollection as
to where the property involved is situated. 
              There is quite a bit of work involved in the
collection of this  award and I, of course, want my retainer
to be purely contingent, with no responsibility on the part
of the Estate or any one connected  with the ownership of
the award for any liability for any costs or disbursements
in any event. I feel that if I were to receive 40% of the
amount collected for the James R. Roosevelt Estate, that
the retainer would be fair for the Esate and myself.
            I would appreciate your taking this matter up
further with the Bankers Trust Company and letting me hear
from you.
            I would  also  appreciate your taking this
matter up further,if you so deem it advisable, with the
President as to his interest a and his mother's interest
in this award.
                    Very truly yours,
                           (signed) Charles Schneikraut
Copy to 
Mr. O'Fritz
Bankers Trust Company.
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