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                          CHARLES   SCHNEIKRAUT
                             Attorney at Law
                             16 Court Street
                             Brooklyn, N.Y.
                       TEL.TRIANGLE 5-4740-4741
                                       January 20th, 1937.
Hon. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
White House
Washington, D. C.
Dear President Roosevelt:
                      I am interested on behalf of a client
in the collection of an award from the City of New York.
This award was made by the City of New York and is awaiting
collection by the owners thereof.
                      My clients are entitled to
approximatley 70% of this award. The  balance remaining is
property formerly owned by your father, James Roosevelt.
Under the Will of your father, this coming under residuary
part thereof, one-third thereof is due to yourself, one-third
to your  half-brother, James R. Roosevelt's Estate and
one-third  to  your mother, Sarah Delano Roosevelt for life
with the remainder to yourself and your brother's Estate.
                       I took up with Mr. Hackett and
Bankers Trust Company, Executors of your brother's Estate,
the matter of the collection of this award and they have
consented to give me a retainer to collect the interest in
the award  on   a basis of a 40% retainer to me, my share
to bear all  costs  and  disbursements, and the retainer to
be purely contingent.
                     In the collection of this award on behalf
of my clients,I will  necessarily have to prove the title to
the award of yourself and your mother. This title to this
property is very involved and I would be glad to come to
Washington to see you or your representatives to explain
this matter.
                      I will await a reply with your
suggestion in this matter.
                               Very truly yours,
                 (Signed) Charles Schneikraut
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